Ai’s Winners, Losers and Wannabes.

CFA Society Uruguay is proud to have brought together financial analysts, portfolio managers, academics, and other distinguished professionals for an event with Professor Damodaran, who visited Uruguay for the second time.


Narrative and Numbers

On April 19th, university students from the Universidad de Montevideo, Universidad ORT, Universidad Católica and Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y de Administración, attended a keynote lecture by Dr. Aswath Damodaran, a distinguished finance gurú and professor at NYU.


Innovation as a multiplier effect of productivity

Yesterday, we held the event “Innovation as a multiplier effect of productivity”, where Ignacio Saralegui, Senior Investment Strategist of Vanguard Latin America, explored how the forces driven by advances in technology, demographics, and globalization can shape future markets, people, and the investment landscape in the coming years.


Dynamic Asset Allocation

We held the event “Dynamic Asset Allocation,” where Sebastian Mullins, Head of Multi-Asset at Schroders Australia, presented.

Sebastian Mullins is the Head of Multi-Asset at Schroders Australia and the portfolio manager of the Schroder ISF Global Target Return Fund. He also serves on Schroders’ global committees for the Multi-Asset Investment Group and Equity Risk Premium Group. He joined Schroders in early 2019 and holds a Master’s in Applied Finance from Macquarie University (Australia) and a Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Bath (UK).

Thank you very much to everyone who joined!


Complete Guide on the CFA Program

CFA Society Uruguay proudly announces the release of its comprehensive guide video in spanish on the CFA Program, now available on their official YouTube channel.

The video, skillfully crafted by Dédalo Films, had the participation of CFA Society volunteers and delves into key aspects of the program, exploring the reasons behind choosing the CFA path, detailing the program’s curriculum, comparing CFA with MBA, and shedding light on the diverse professional landscapes where CFA Charterholders thrive.



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